Denne uken ble det Internasjonale Judoforbundets (IJF) kongress arrangert i Qatar. Her deltok NJFs President og Generalsekretær.

Kongressen arrangeres som vanlig i forkant av VM, og i år er mye av fokuset for mesterskapet rettet mot IJFs åpning for russiske og belarussiske utøveres deltakelse. Dette er ingen overraskelse sett i lys av anbefalingen fra IOC, men vi er naturligvis veldig skuffet over avgjørelsen.

Under kongressen tok vi derfor sammen med de andre nordiske delegatene, initiativ til å utforme en felles uttalelse, som samtlige vil dele i sine kanaler. Vi uttrykte i tillegg vår støtte til Presidenten i det Ukrainske Judoforbundet Mykhailo Koshliak.

Statement regarding the permission for neutral athletes from Russia and Belarus to participate in the World Judo Championships 2023 in Doha

In the Nordic countries we have a strong tradition in working close regarding values, openness, and fair play. That goes for many situations, also in the worldwide cooperation in the judo sport.

On the 29th of April, the International Judo Federation (IJF) Executive Committee decided to “allow athletes from Russia and Belarus to participate in IJF events as individual neutral athletes.” As a consequence of this decision, the Ukrainian Judo Federation has decided to withdraw their athletes from the World Championships 2023 in Doha, Qatar.

Based on our values and our believes, we want to express our support to Ukraine and to the Ukrainian judo family. And we wish the cooperate close with the Ukrainian Judo Federation.

In a critical situation like this, there will always be someone, who will suffer. From an overall judo family perspective, we do not find it acceptable, that it will be the Ukrainian athletes, who have to suffer.

In the same time, we want to make it clear, that we will not withdraw any Nordic athletes from the IJF World Tour. We wish to support and protect our athletes and coaches, in order to make it possible for them to focus on the hard work trying to go to the Olympics in Paris 2024. (Norge deltar ikke i IJF World Tour for øyeblikket, Red. Anm.)

We kindly hope, that the Executive Board of IJF will reconsider the decision. We will of course follow the situation close, and we will work close together in the Nordics and within the European Judo Union in order to stand up for our values.

On behalf of the Nordic Judo Family,

Kristiina Pekkola, President of the Swedish Judo Federation

Sofus Johannesen, President of the Judo Federation of Faroe Islands

Arnstein Brekke, President of the Norwegian Judo Federation

Jóhann Másson, President of the Icelandic Judo Federation

Esa Niemi, President of the Finnish Judo Federation

Søren Studsgaard, President of the Danish Judo Federation

Norges Judoforbund

Postboks 5000, 0840 Oslo

Ullevål Stadion
Sognsveien 75K, 0855 Oslo


Ansvarlig redaktør:
Stine Lastein


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